Mr. Fitness Repair- Sanitizing your Equipment and Coronavirus Prevention & Tips

How to Sanitize Gym Equipment

Gym equipment in particular is a breeding ground for bacteria. Machines are used by multiple people and gym rooms are generally a warm environment - both of which increase the likelihood that germs are lingering on items.[1] Unfortunately, most gyms do not require employees to wipe down the equipment between every use. It's up to you to do so. Regularly sanitizing gym equipment before and after you use it can help decrease the amount of harmful bacteria you come in contact with. Make sure to use cleaning products that are available or bring your own methods to disinfect and sanitize gym equipment.

Part 1 of 3:Using the Right Sanitizing Products

  1. Wipe down with wet wipes. Most gyms offer some sort of disinfectant wet wipe for their clients. These wipes are a great way to sanitize gym equipment that's come into contact with other member's bodily fluids (like sweat).

    • There's a difference between sanitizing and disinfecting. Wet wipes are designed to disinfect which means the chemicals used will kill germs and bacteria. This is important because you want to use a disinfectant when you may come into contact with bodily fluids like sweat or saliva.[2]

    • To use a wet wipe properly, make sure to wipe down the entire surface of the machine or equipment you plan to use. Let the surface dry completely before using. This will help ensure the disinfectant has proper time to work.

    • If your gym doesn't offer wet wipes, consider bringing your own. You can purchase a small portable and resealable pouch that's easy to carry around with you during your workout.

    • Do not use disinfecting wipes on your body. Rubbing these on your face, neck or arms can cause you to break out into a serious rash.[3]

  2. Fill up a spray bottle with an ammonia solution. Some gyms offer spray bottles filled with a disinfectant solution (usually ammonia based) that you can use before and after you use equipment. However, if they do not, consider making and bringing your own.

    • Ammonia mixtures are usually quaternary ammonia mixed with water. This is safe to use and does a good job at getting rid of the germs on equipment.[4]

    • However, like wet wipes, you'll need to allow the solution to sit on the equipment for a few moments prior to wiping it down. This ensures all the germs are removed.

    • Be mindful when you spray down equipment. Do not spray it near outlets, plugs or machines with electric panels. Also make sure to be mindful if spraying near other members.

    • If your gym doesn't offer a spray solution, consider making your own. You can either purchase an ammonia cleaner at the store or make your own. Mix a 1/2 cup of ammonia to 1/2 gallon of water.

    • Fill a small hair spray bottle with the ammonia cleaner and toss it in your gym bag to bring with you.

  3. Avoid cleaners that are unsafe or ineffective. In addition to using cleaners that will do a good job at disinfecting gym equipment, there are some cleaners you shouldn't use. Whether they're unsafe to use or just don't work, try to avoid using:

    • Bleach. This is a strong disinfectant and does kill germs. However, it can be unsafe if not prepared or used properly. Plus it can ruin your clothes (or other's clothes) and can be dangerous if inhaled or allowed to sit on your skin.

    • Borax solution. This is a more natural cleaner, but doesn't disinfect. It can clean, but the germs will be not be killed with borax.

    • Baking soda. Again, a more natural form of cleaner, baking soda does not disinfect and kill germs.

    • Hydrogen peroxide. Straight hydrogen peroxide can cause a rash and irritation on your skin.

Part 2 of 3:Cleaning Off Gym Equipment

  1. Clean off each piece of equipment you use. Even though there is a low risk that you'll get an infection or cold from sharing the equipment at the gym, it's good manners to wipe off equipment after you use it.[5]

    • Before using any gym equipment (yoga mat, dumbbell or machine), thoroughly wipe down whatever part you'll come into contact with.

    • Spray or wipe down the equipment with your chosen disinfectant. Also wipe down the equipment after you use it as well. This isn't necessary, but just good manners and proper gym etiquette.

    • Items to sanitize include: yoga mats, dumbbells, kettle bells, exercise balls, the handles and control pad on cardio equipment, and the handles on weight machines.

  2. Use the correct cleaning technique. Whenever you're cleaning gym equipment with the intent of sanitizing it, you need to make sure that you use the correct cleaning technique to kill all the germs and bacteria.

    • Most sanitizers and disinfectants require you to follow specific instructions in order for the bacteria to be killed and removed from your equipment.

    • Try to allow the sanitizer to sit on the equipment for at least 2-3 minutes. However, if you're cleaning your own personal items or home gym equipment, allow the sanitizer to sit on items for 10-30 minutes at a time. This is the best method for killing the most bacteria.

    • Always use the manufacturers instructions when cleaning equipment - both for the gym equipment and the sanitizer you're using.

  3. Dust and vacuum home equipment. If you have cardio and other gym equipment at home, you'll be required to make sure you clean the entire machine yourself. This will help maintain the integrity of your equipment and make sure it continues to function as normal.

    • Take time on a weekly basis to clean your home gym. Dust off all weights, machines and cardio equipment that you have. Also keep wires, plugs and outlets free of dust.

    • Also vacuum around your equipment as well. This can help make sure there isn't any dust or debris in the surrounding areas.

    • You may want to clean your gym equipment a little more thoroughly than a wipe down as well. You probably need to do more thorough cleaning about once a week.

  4. Thoroughly clean yoga mats. One of the dirtiest places for germs to hide is on a yoga or fitness mat. These are usually porous and soft and can harbor a lot of bacteria. Make sure you clean these thoroughly.[6]

    • Consider throwing your yoga mat into the bathtub. This gives you a lot of room to clean your mat. Fill your tub up with water and soap or disinfectant. Scrub it down, rinse it and let it dry.

    • If it isn't too cold outside, you may want to consider spraying it down with your garden hose and a cleaner as well. You can let it air dry in the sun.

    • Some yoga enthusiasts wash their mat in the washing machine. Make sure you check the manufacturers instructions. This can be OK for some brands, but not all.

Part 3 of 3:Minimizing Contact with Germs and Bacteria

  1. Wash your hands. There's no better defense against germs and bacteria than regular hand washing. Make sure to thoroughly wash up before you head out for home to avoid bringing those germs back home with you.[7]

    • After you've completed your work out and you're just about to leave, stop by the bathroom to wash your hands. You want this to be the last thing you do before you leave. Don't wash your hands and then recontaminate them by touching items in the locker room, water fountain or other surface.

    • Make sure to follow proper hand washing techniques. Wet your hands thoroughly and then use soap to lather up. Scrub under your nails, on the tops and bottoms of your hands and your wrists for at least 20 seconds. Rinse your hands off and then dry with a paper towel or air dryer.

    • You may also use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Rub thoroughly on all parts of your hands for 10-20 seconds or until hands are dry.

  2. Don't touch your face. Another important piece to avoiding contact with germs is avoiding contact of your face. Whether it's your mouth, nose or eyes, these are openings to your body where germs can get in and make you sick.

    • While you're working out, try to be mindful of how often you're touching your face. You may not realize how often you're touching your face during your workout.

    • Spend a day really paying attention to how often you wipe sweat off your face, rub your eyes during your morning workout, or scratch your nose. Each time you do this, you're increasing the chance you contaminate yourself with germs.

    • It will take some time to get used to your new routine of "no face touching." However, you'll be better off in the long-run.

  3. Take care of cuts and scrapes. In addition to your eyes, nose and mouth, germs can also make their way in through cuts and scrapes. Make sure that you take care of these before heading out to the gym.

    • If you get a cut or scrape while you're at the gym, make sure you clean and sanitize the area. Beware of blisters or friction burns that you may also get while at the gym. There's a good chance it will get contaminated with germs in a gym environment.

    • Thoroughly wash the cut or scrape with warm water and soap. You can also ask a staff member if they have a first aid kit with disinfectant cream as well.

    • Use a band-aid or bandage to completely cover the cut or scrape. No open part should be exposed. Keep the area covered until the cut is completely healed.

  4. Wash and sanitize your personal items. Don't get fooled that the only source of germs are from other people at the gym. You also need to take care of your own personal gym items as well.

    • Even if you take great care in washing your hands, wiping down equipment and not touching your face you can still carry and transfer germs on your own personal items.

    • Items to take the time to clean regularly include: your gym towel, gym clothes, water bottle, yoga mat and sweat bands.

Call us at Mr. Fitness repair for all your gym needs!



Joe Walters